
Year in Review: April

PSOne emulator pics surface
Then: "My friend who is a designer at sony gave me these pics, he said that this is what the psone emulator for psp will look like. he said that the games will be downloaded by a program shown in the screenshots and will be played under 'game'. I think this is true because he showed them to me from his camera which doesn't show ANY edited images."
Now: Video gamers have too many "friends" that supposedly work in the industry. Why do we always fall for it though? Well, this rumor became somewhat true, with the 3.0 firmware making it possible to play PSone games under [GAME]. However, Sony's implementation of PSone emulation has been frustrating for most PSP owners, considering how a PLAYSTATION 3 is required to download games for play. Boo, Sony. Boo.

Arstechnica pooh-poohs Portable TV
Then: "We liked the idea of getting video downloads for our PSPs when we first heard about Portable TV, but we'd rather Sony streamline their system before they start thinking about giving the US or Europe the same offering."
Now: P-TV still hasn't left Japan, and for good reason: there still isn't much content on it. With Connect nearly abandoned by Sony, digital media distribution for the PSP has really failed to take off. However, Sony keeps trying, as seen in their potential partnerships with I hope they succeed this time around.

Firmware 2.7 and Loco Roco in action
Then: "The 8-minute or so feature runs through a few of the upgrades included in firmware 2.7 and shows off the Loco Roco demo about halfway."
Now: Firmware upgrades these days seem much less exciting, considering the relative lack of new features and new game demos that Sony has been providing. The release of firmware 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03 within weeks of each other make each update seem increasingly more cumbersome and less worthwhile. Give us firmware updates that we really want!

Oblivion due on the PSP? Fortify Luck!
Then: "Thanks to a leaked release list (shyeah, right), word's gotten out that Bethesda, makers of the fine Elder Scrolls RPG for fans of open-ended exploration, is planning to release a version of their mega-popular Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion title on the PS3 and PSP. A portable version of the hardware-hogging game is targeted for release this November 6, 2006."
Now: It certainly didn't make the release date, but this oft-denied game is finally a reality, heading to PSPs next year.

See entire year in review so far.