
Santa vs. Sith in Star Wars

Santa is a jedi knight, which explains how he makes it through the chimneys ... he just force pushes himself through. By following these easy steps you'll be able to play as jolly St. Nick in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.

  • Step 1: At the Mos Eisley Cantina, enter the following two codes: CL4U5H (for Santa hat and red clothes) and TYH319 (for white beard Extra)

  • Step 2: Go to the Character Customizer and create the proper costume. Use a human head, the appropriate red clothing ... and don't forget the red cap! Santa can wield the weapon of your choice -- we recommend the green or red lightsaber to seasonally complement his shiny red duds. (Remember, the color of his lightsaber decides whether his Force powers are naughty or nice.)

  • Step 3: In the Extras menu, activate Disguise 3.

  • Step 4: Enter the character-based level of your choice in Free Play.

A cute little thing for the holiday season. Now it's time for Santa Miis, Santa Sims and whatever else you creative people out there can come up with. Tis the season.