
Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: the Big N edition [update 1]

With all the talk recently, you'd think Wii-related injuries placed up there with alcoholism and BASE jumping as serious health risks. Yet Nintendo's name has remained unfazed, and they've managed to take bad press and turn it into good momentum and consumer hype. Crafty.

Webcomics are doing their share to emulate the mainstream media's focus, so we're bringing you a weekly wrapup that is 100% Nintendo -- and we did it while leaving very few webcomics behind (sorry, RPG TV).

Here our picks for the best Nintendo-related webcomics this week; be sure to vote for your favorite!

[Update 1: Blame it on the eggnog, but in the results page I had renamed the DeviantArt selection to "RPG TV" -- it's a catchy name, what can I say? Obviously, people are voting for the strip by its content and not its title, so just pretend it says "Deviant Art," as I can't change the name without resetting all the votes. Sorry for the confusion, folks.]