
DS Fanboy presents: Game Night (aftermath 12/26/06)

Update: Whoops, it'll be 2007, not 2006. Silly us ...

First of all, I would like to apologize for my crummy connection last night. I dropped a few times then my internet went out all together. I got on the phone with my ISP and have worked all the kinks out, so it shouldn't happen again. Aside from that, some of the participants have voiced concerns regarding the voting system and what games we play, so we here at DS Fanboy have changed the voting to one total vote per person, eliminating the allowance of voting once every day. Also, we're going to try to stop repeat game choices by eliminating them as a poll choice once played, so that everyone can play the game they want. Once all games from the list have been played, we'll toss all of the games back into the poll and start over again.

Any questions or concerns can be left in the comments.