
New feature: Ask WoW Insider

ask wow insider

We're starting a new feature this week here at WoW Insider that we've stolen reverently borrowed from our sister site, Engadget. The idea behind Ask WoW Insider is to tap into the collective intelligence of you, dear readers, in order to to provide assistance and knowledge to your fellow World of Warcraft addicts fans. What question about WoW do you want answered by the wisdom of crowds -- What's the best bar mod? What's the best build for leveling a mage? What are some great pieces of armor to score for a level 45 rogue? Send us your burning questions to: ask AT and each Friday we'll pick one to publish (along with credit to you, of course!). Then your peers will have at it in the comments with their best answers to the week's question.

So -- what do you want to know? Send us your questions at ask AT!