
$150 PlayStation 3 discount [update 1]

Thanks to a promotion by Sony Style (Sony's retail operation), folks who sign up for a Sony-branded credit card by January 4, 2007 and who purchase stuff with said card by March 31, 2007, will receive $150 off of their first credit card statement.

If you're feeling charitable towards Sony as a result of their generosity, you could apply the $150 bonanza to your purchase of a PlayStation 3, bringing the price of that budget-busting beast into blue-collar range.

On the other hand, if you're the Billy Joe-Bobby Sue type, take the Sony card and run to your preferred online retailer who'll be more than happy to sell you an Xbox 360 or a Wii, either of which -- at $150 off -- would be a very nice deal.

[Update 1: lots of questions appearing in the comments ... check out this Fatwallet thread for answers.]

[Thanks, Mike!]