
Video Games Live ticket purchases opened a bit early

Halo series composers speaking at Video
Games Live

Tickets for the GDC-timed revival of Video Games Live in March are now on sale online according to the official VGL mailing list, and apparently not just to "GDC community members" this time.

Besides the obvious Ticketmaster URL, Jack and Tommy also sent along links to a rather large excerpt from their show in the form of a dress rehearsal for the Halo-themed segment recorded back in June, and made available in both WMV and QuickTime video formats. (Note to downloaders: neither version is less than 50MB in size.)

Even if you have no interest in attending (or simply lack the means to attend) the scheduled show in San Jose, the interview clips with Halo series composers Marty O'Donnell and Mike Salvatori (from Attack of the Show), interspersed with the rest of the light-show and orchestra pans, are worth watching if you can stand the wait for the download. Five jingle guys from Chicago emulating the Himalayan sound? Sounds like music to our ears.