
iSkoot links cellphones with Skype

Don't have a WiFi enabled phone and feeling left out of the whole VoIP telephony thing? Well, if you're a Cingular customer and have a Series 60 phone, today might just be your lucky day. iSkoot's announced a new service that will allow Cingular customers to use Skype without using any kind of data connection. Once you install iSkoot's app on your phone, you can use your existing voice connection to connect to their gateway, which in turn links you in to Skype. We know this may sound complicated but it's actually pretty straight forward; if you notice the diagram, you'll see that all of these connections are made by utilizing the latest in smoke-cloud-and-arrow technology. With plans of releasing this software for more platforms (Series 40, RAZR, and Treo at first) and adding support for more services like Google Talk, we can see iSkoot's products becoming very useful -- who couldn't use a break in their international long distance bills?

[Via Personal Tech Pipeline]