
MHD channel coming to DIRECTV in 2098!

Today must be the day of bad dates and we don't mean the kind that Paula Abdul can't seem to get without Dr. Phil's help. First it was MSNBC flubbing on the DTV transition and now it's DIRECTV and the launch of MTV's HD channel, MHD. Eagle-eyed HDBeat reader George tipped us off on the numeric faux pas when he hit up the MHD website and punched in zip code to check for MHD's availability in his area. George got the screen cap above which clearly indicates there's no high-def music videos in da hood for decades to come.

Here's a close-up of the date that few of us will live to see; sorry, but it's true. Seems a shame to announce the launch of a channel only to never see it in this lifetime, at least not on satellite. Whaddya think George, didja just Punk'd in HD?