
Banned Shaolin Monks ad surfaces...

"Blood on the Carpet" was an online viral ad created by Maverick Media to publicize Midway's Mortal Kombat spin-off, Shaolin Monks. However, after receiving a complaint about the ad late last year, the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) deemed the work "irresponsible" and suggested that Blood on the Carpet was "likely to cause fear or distress and serious or widespread offence." The ASA ruled that Midway was not to repeat the approach, marking the first time a complaint against a viral ad campaign was upheld by the watchdog organization.

Despite being shown on several viral tracking websites that only target men between 18 and 40 and tagged with a relatively innocent "Slightly Not Safe For Work" warning, Blood on the Carpet was found to be in violation of numerous Committee of Advertising Practice Code clauses, including 9.1 (Fear and Distress) and 11.1 (Violence and anti-social behaviour).

[via Digg]