
New voice of Tomb Raider announced

Tomb Raider

Last week, Eidos introduced us to their new Tomb Raiderpromotional model. This week, Lara Legend has a new voice: actress Keeley Hawes of the popular TV series MI-5. Spokesperson Matt Gorman says Hawes has "the right balance of aristocracy and attitude" for the video game vixen. Personally, I'm getting confused with all these iterations of Lara Croft. Between the games and its various models/voices, the comic book continuity, and Ms. Jolie's interpretation, Lara's been overexposed just a bit (and not in the good way).

Hopefully, Tomb Raider Legend won't disappoint. It's scheduled for an April 7 launch on Xbox, PS2, and PC, with 360 and PSP versions to be released at a later date.