
Japanese hardware sales: Once more, with feeling

In a bizarre chain of events involving a screwdriver, a polar bear and a Polish nun named Francine, we've somehow ended up with the Japanese sales chart for the week ranging 20 February to 26 February. We're not quite sure how this happened, but we suppose we'd better tell you about it. The ranking, according to number of units sold, is a follows:

  • DS: 47,462

  • PSP: 31,742

  • PS2: 24,104

  • GBA SP: 4,964

  • GB Micro: 3,175

  • Gamecube: 1,836

  • Xbox 360: 1,203

  • GBA: 113

  • Xbox: 61

Well, this is looking awfully familiar, but we'll go through it once more. The illustrious reign of the DS has been somewhat hampered as of late, mostly due to a string of shortages which is still being dealt with by Nintendo. Still, it managed to triumphantly stay on top, ready to usher in its younger, sleeker and altogether Liter sibling into the sales charts. We're looking forward to seeing how some family teamwork will affect the rest of the contenders in the chart. Ah, who are we kidding? We know exactly what's going to happen.

Previous Japanese hardware charts: