
Samsung GX-1S DSLR reviewed

It's been a couple of months since Samsung dropped their first DSLR, the GX-1S, and we'd yet to hear anything of it since -- until now. DigitalCameraInfo has a review up of the sub-$1g DSLR, and they were pretty thorough in giving it the once-over. The reviewer found the device to be rather small for its class -- which of course we love to hear -- but didn't like the way it felt in the hand, and weren't particular impressed with its button layout. It scored on ease of use, color, and low noise on low ISOs, even though it underexposed a few too many shots and apparently wasn't quick to the draw on autofocus. Basically it doesn't sound like the camera to wait around for, which doesn't surprise us given Samsung's less than mindblowing digital camera releases to date. Even if you just want something with a Pentax lens mount that's not a Pentax, the GX-1S "seems to be a re-branded Pentax" according to DCI, so you should probably put that credit card away for now and see what develops in time for Photokina in a few months.

[Via DPBlog]