
Oldboy director sought for Metal Gear movie


Park Chanwook, director of 2003's Oldboy, recently revealed to The New York Times that he was approached about a movie adaptation of the Metal Gear Solid series. Anyone familiar with Oldboy will recall the exaggerated fight scene shot entirely from the perspective of a classic side-scrolling brawler. This sequence, as Chanwook claims, earned him idol status in the gaming world. Oddly enough, Chanwook admits, "I've never played [a video game]."

When a "Japanese designer" from the Metal Gear staff approached Chanwook about directing the movie, the two found there was little to talk about. Despite Chanwook's uncanny disposition to meld gaming with film — and dream up wildly twisted plots — he was not the right person for the job. Thankfully, neither is Uwe Boll.

[Thanks LaughingMan]