
Macs to show off planet Earth

apple used in space imagery

SpaceDaily has a story out of Australia about a company called AstroVision using Apple's technology to provide real-time, full-color, high-res images and video of planet Earth in all her glory. Apparently AstroVision (which has nothing to do with the dog from the Jetsons) has been working with Apple Australia for a while on this project, which will create a supercomputer from Xserves, and using Xgrid and QuickTime, provide those beautiful images we all love to digg. According to the article, Apple Australia will provide:

  • construction of a state of the art High Performance Computing (HPC) environment using Apple's Unix-based Xserves and Xgrid computing software

  • expertise in design and development of HPCs for parallel computing

  • QuickTime, the global digital media standard

  • an architecture for online distribution of multimedia content

  • the research and design for the development of new consumer electronics products and product channels.