
Current N-Gage games now available for (legal) download

Nokia would like you to kindly forget that the N-Gage gaming platform stands as one of the most eminently hackable of all time, and instead direct your attention to their shiny new N-Gage Game Shop (yeah, that N-Gage, not their next-gen gaming platform). The draw? We're not exactly sure, but besides the obvious interest in staying legal, N-Gage gamers are undoubtedly having an ever more difficult time finding wares in brick-and-mortar stores, making the online Game Shop an appealing option for instant gratification when that next, uh, hot N-Gage title drops. The process is simple enough, too: just buy, download, and cram as many games as you dare on your MMC. Of course, legality and convenience come at a price -- games appear to be starting at a hefty €20 (about $26) and go up from there. Any takers? Sidetalkers? QDers? Anyone?

[Via All About Symbian]