
Introducing the official SOE podcast

Last Thursday, the first official Sony Online Entertainment podcast surfaced on the esteemed Major Nelson's blog. Yes, you read that correctly. The podcast can be downloaded here. However, I'm afraid you won't find it as engaging as other kinds of podcasts coming from certain inside sources (we're lookin' at you Major).

And why don't they have a blog? The cart may have gotten ahead of the horse on that one. At any rate, you're probably wondering what they talk about. Lots of Everquest, and LOTS of scripted discussions. Sony, if you are reading: drop the scripts and lose the incessant background music!

The idea behind this is really good though (if it were implemented right). To make this into something worthwhile they could fire the talking robots, stop reading straight off a script and tackle issues that more gamers can relate too about the PS3 (though this is SOE after all, hence the chosen topics). Podcasts make excellent PR tools and Sony could cover a lot of ground if they did this right.