
Call of Duty 3 trailers and screens

IGN has posted a few different trailers showing the new Close Quarters Combat feature as well as some extra gameplay footage for Call of Duty 3. With the new Close Combat feature, you can do more than just bash a Nazi or two, allowing you to disarm traps such as mines, even going so far as to plant your own. Also, the game is to incorporate more destructible environments, causing the days of wood being able to block grenades without so much as denting to become a thing of the past.

Considering that Treyarch, who was responsible for Call of Duty: Finest Hour and Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, which were a bit less enjoyable than the original Call of Duty and its expansion pack in United Offensive, along with the sequel on the PC, should we expect Call of Duty 3 to have the same problems as their past efforts on consoles? We sure hope not as the Call of Duty franchise has been the only enjoyable WWII shooter for quite some time.