
Nvidia brings the graphics ruckus with $18K system

You know what we always say here at Joystiq: today's PC graphics cards just aren't expensive enough. We've got about $18K burning a hole in the Joystiq petty cash drawer, so we could either buy the entire staff brand new computers stocked with the latest and greatest graphics cards ... or just grab one of Nvidia's new Quadro Plex 1000s, designed for 12-megapixel HD video, scientific visualizations, and Crysis (we guess). Want some specs?

"According to Nvidia, a node can achieve up to 64x full scene anti-aliasing (FSAA), deliver a performance of up to 148 megapixels on 16 synchronized digital-output channels and eight HD SDI channels. The firm says that the fill rate reaches 80 billion pixels/s while the geometry performance is rated at seven billion vertices/s."

And wouldn't you know it, it starts around $17,500. That means we can scrape together just enough to pick one of these up when they drop in September. Then we'll need to work out an amenable custody plan between all of us.

[Via Engadget]