
Flickr Find: Seen at WWDC 2006 - "Introducing Vista 2.0" banner

If the WWDC 06 tension is becoming too much to bear, TUAW reader Gernot Poetsch probably isn't helping anything, as he sent a link to his Flickr account with a pic of some more banners in Moscone hall. If you check out his larger copy at Flickr, you can (almost) clearly see the banner at the top of the image says, and I quote: "Introducing Vista 2.0"; an attitude that clearly reflects just a slight bit of confidence on Apple's part in light of what is now four years of Vista setbacks.

Another image in Gernot's photostream is titled Hasta la Vista. Vista, and while it isn't a clear shot of the banner, it doesn't sound far-fetched from all the other marketing previews we've been graced with so far.

Here's hoping Apple previews a Mac OS X 10.5 on Monday that lives up to all the Vista jabs they've been taking. We'll post more of these goodies as we come upon them, but for now, you can resume your anxious pacing.