
When Your Guild Hits A Wall

My guild has been trying the C'Thun encounter for nearly 4 weeks. We can clear all the other AQ40 bosses with little effort, but C'Thun still eludes us. For me personally, this is not a big deal. Our guild is what I would call hardcore-lite, as we only raid four nights a week and have loose attendance requirements. Honestly, I am pleased we got this far. And who cares if we wipe? A night of wiping in WoW is better than a night of working or mowing the lawn, right?

However, a lot of my guildies, especially those who joined after we got BWL on farm status, are starting to complain, no-show, etc. People are mysteriously losing connection, having family emergencies or are just not signing up. People are happy to show up for the BWL farm session on Wednesday, and for the nights we clear to C'Thun, but the C'Thun nights are becoming an entirely different story. We don't want to institute punishments or start dangling carrots, but we are quickly running out of options. We are going to try a new "No BWL Runs Until C'Thun Is Beaten" policy next week, so hopefully that motivates some folks.

Don't people want to be there for the first kill? Or is it more exciting to run the same bosses again and again with no challenge, just the slot machine aspect of maybe getting loot? I am quickly beginning to see the advantages of a more hardcore guild with more rigid requirements.