
Outlook to Address Book tip roundup at macosxhints

Honestly: I wish macosxhints would stop rocking the tips so hard, because I'm getting sick of blogging them (kidding). This latest tip, however, tackles a Windows switcher question that consistently appears in discussion forums all over the Mac web: how do I get my Outlook contacts into Address Book?

The posted tip includes instructions for simply importing Outlook contacts into Thunderbird, then exporting those to a format Address Book can read. If that's too much work for you, Rob chimed in with links to 6 other macosxhints posts covering various other methods to accomplish this not-yet-standard task (it's kind of strange that Apple hasn't built their own tools for this, being hungry for switchers and all), including an open source Windows app and what is possibly themost complicated hint I've ever seen for embarking on such a task. Either way, I think they've rounded up enough of these tips for everyone to make the switch with fairly little to no pain. Enjoy.