
Far Cry Instincts Predator marks territory on XBLM

We never could figure out if the lukewarm reception of Ubisoft's Far Cry Instincts Predator on the Xbox 360 was because it was a quick and dirty port of an Xbox title with some graphical flourishes, or the rambling assembly of words they call a title. Far. Cry. Instincts. Predator. ?.

Either way, we have a chance to reconsider our initial revulsion by downloading the 345MB demo the Xbox Live keepers have thrown in our cage. Like a wild animal -- with the default inventory of wild animal skills -- we'll lunge at the demo and pin it to the ground in one fluid cat-like motion, before plunging our incisors into its single map and rending all five included gametypes from its mutiplayer skeleton. It goes without saying that we do this instinctually. Predatorily. While crying.