
First look: EndNote X

This is probably of interest to a very small segment of our readers, but for that segment, it's exciting. Thomson ResearchSoft has finally released their flagship EndNote X bibliographic package for the Mac (PC users have had it for several months already), and I took it for a spin this weekend. The biggest changes are under the hood. EndNote X features a new compressed file format that allows libraries to be stored in less on-disk space. The compressed format also save libraries as single files, enabling easier sharing of libraries with your colleagues. Potentially more exciting, EndNote X features drag and drop management for embedded PDFs, so you can include articles right in your bibliographies. Combined with some stability and speed improvements, particularly combined with a shiny new universal binary, this makes for a very good upgrade.

Thomson has added in some eye candy and other fun stuff, too. Most noticeable is a new set of aquafied icons, but if you go to the tools menu, you'll find that they've also added customizable menus to almost every window, as you can see in the full screenshot.

Retail is $239.95 or a $89.95 upgrade for current users. Many colleges and universities provide it free to students and faculty, so ask. A 30-day demo is available.

Read on for a full on screenshot.

EndNote custom menus