
McDonald's rips off Gordon College Mario show

Remember that Gordon College talent show video in which one student, Andrew Breton, played Mario running through World 1-1? The performance had question mark blocks, clouds, turtle shells, flower power, and even a fancy pause effect. The video was an internet sensation, showing up on MTV News and, later, TRL ... and now, in McDonald's latest commercial promoting their new Mario Happy Meal trinkets, if only in spirit.

This isn't the first time in recent memory that Nintendo and McDonald's have joined forces (remember that free DS WiFi?), and they do share an public relations company (GolinHarris), and now McDonald's tapping the rich vein of internet phenomenons that Nintendo seems to cultivate so effortlessly. Their commercial borrows liberally from Breton's performance, even going so far as to recycle that fancy pause effect. We've contacted Breton for his response but, in the meantime, check out both videos embedded after the break and make your own decision. Did McDonald's rip off the little guy and, if they did, so what?

[Via digg]

The Original
