
Rumor: Wiimote retail box unveiled [update 1]

Well it looks like the Wiimote retail box has been unveiled by who knows how on Flickr via a NeoGAF forum post. Another homey in the same thread seems to back up the Flickr image with another shot of the retail package (pictured lower left). We realize it's just an accessory box but are trying to stay consistent with every single unveiling of such an elusive console. If a single Wii is dropped from a shipping pallet come November, rest assured we'll cover it here.

[Thanks, Kurt]

[Update 1: Added speculative headline after being quick to suggest the above as being final Wiimote retail boxes. As both commenters and forum members point out, the above images are of promo Wiimotes given out at the Wii press event in Japan, therefore, Nintendo is likely and could easily change consumer retail versions.]