
The algebra of wows, inspired by Xbox 360 HD-DVD dancers

Clearly, the parallels to be drawn between high-definition home entertainment and in-your-face dance showdowns are too numerous to list, but Microsoft chooses to highlight some of the more obvious ones in their commercial for the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive (embedded in the post, natch). Depicting a rhythmically isolated DVD guy facing off against six HD-DVD dancers, it's a technology comparison competely devoid of technology and filled to the brim with bodies gyrating in largely unimaginable ways.

With the upscaled DVD dancers apparently disqualified from the event, HD-DVD soundly trounces plain 'ole DVD, its vibrant victory converted into a catchy and hilariously non-sensical "six times the resolution, six times the wow." Yes, really. Just how much is that, exactly? The answer is, quite sadly, after the break.

[via NeoGAF]

Let's break it down.

1 x HD-DVD = 6 x WOW
1 x WOW = (250 x SWEET) + (160 x AWESOME) = 1 x DVD
1 x SWEET = (120 x GOLLY) + (15 x OH)
1 x AWESOME = (90 x GEE WHIZ) + (5 x OH)
1 x GOLLY = (500 x ANTI-MEH)
1 x GEE WHIZ = (800 x ANTI-MEH)
1 x OH = (100 x ANTI-MEH)

The ANTI-MEH is considered the base unit for measuring entertainment. Therefore:

1 x SWEET = 120 x (500 x ANTI-MEH) + 15 x (100 x ANTI-MEH)
= (60 000 x ANTI-MEH) + (1500 x ANTI-MEH)
= 61 500 x ANTI-MEH

1 x AWESOME = 90 x (800 x ANTI-MEH) + 5 x (100 x ANTI-MEH)
= (72 000 x ANTI-MEH) + (500 x ANTI-MEH)
= 72 500 x ANTI-MEH

1 x WOW = 250 x (61 500 x ANTI-MEH) + 160 x (72 500 x ANTI-MEH)
= (15 375 000 x ANTI-MEH) + (11 600 000 x ANTI-MEH)
= 26 975 000 x ANTI-MEH

And finally:

6 x WOW = 6 x (26 975 000 x ANTI-MEH)
= 161 850 000 x ANTI-MEH

And there you have it. HD-DVD's entertainment value is 161,850,000 ANTI-MEHs. Why Microsoft didn't include that in the slogan is beyond us, especially in light of Blu-Ray's upcoming "twice the holy crap" campaign.