
Twilight Princess Impressions [update 1]


You've read "impressions" of Twilight Princess before, from those lucky enough to get some time with it at a Fusion Tour or at either of the previous two E3 conventions. But this close to launch time, we're starting to see impressions ... people who have had extended time (dozens of hours) with the absolute final version of the game.

The Official Nintendo Magazine forums are giving a sneak peak of their upcoming issue, detailing a player's experiences throughout the whole of the game. ***THERE ARE HEAVY SPOILERS IN THIS POST.*** Be careful. If you're not willing to ruin anything (and there's nothing major), then the gist of it is, it kicks ass in every way possible. The controls don't hinder the gameplay at all, and as expected, the game itself is an impossible masterpiece of gaming. Seriously, what did you expect?

If you'd like to read a few less spoiler-tastic impressions from the Japanese, Kotaku has posted some translated impressions from Famitsu and Game Watch. Once again, both laud the immersive control experience and just about everything else.

[For a large, wallpaper-sized version of the post picture, check it out here.]

[Update 1: loltypo.]