
Today's hottest game video: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer

The top slot on YouTube today was occupied by Link and crew in a new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer. It barely managed to pass the second place winner, which was the intro video from the same game. If you ask us, the intro video is a bit more spine tingling, especially with the "Press A + B" menu at the start screen, *drool*. This trailer has no sound effects, no lines, just a (somewhat cheesy) fanfare-tastic soundtrack and lots of video goodness from the game. Link's wolf transition looks a bit weak, but we're hoping it's just a trimmed down version in the vid.

The best comment on YouTube is from agent012 who says, " wow the graphics are better than the gamecubes!" We're still not sure if that's sarcasm or honesty. Check out the video after the break and start jonesing.