
Grab your Yellow Dog Linux mumbo jumbo in two days!

By now, you guys know I'm not exactly the voice of intellect when it comes to operating systems and hardware specs -- even so, I'm going to try to do this bit justice. Linux's Yellow Dog 5.0 will be ready for you to download Install and Source ISO's on the 27th from To be exact, on the 27th you can "Download Install & Source ISOs via Enhanced." Perhaps my wording was off.

What does this do, exactly? It appears that it pretty much updates the website for you, allowing you to access a full-fledged mailing list as opposed to the help desk Linux has used for eight years. Great? Great. I've not had the pleasure of using Linux, so if anyone wants to throw in some extra jargon explaining this or that, knock yourself out. All we know is that if you've got a PS3, you had better keep your Yellow Dog up to date! Why wouldn't you, after all?