
Optimus 103 keyboard to feature B&W displays

More like Let-Down-imus. The danger of running such a hype-fueled organization as Art Lebedev is that if you find you can't deliver, you're pretty much screwed. After sparking a bit of a public outcry a couple of weeks ago when they chopped off those 11 "launcher" keys (pictured) on the left of the keyboard, and then again when they chopped the actual screen size to just the top half of the key, Art Lebedev has delivered what could be a knock out blow to its flagship Optimus 103 keyboard by announcing the keys will be merely black and white. Right now we're going to assume the worst and figure that these keys -- which might feature some OLED tech after all -- will be straight monochrome, not grayscale, and we're sure they're going to be about one tenth as shiny as they started in those beautiful concept pics of yore. We suppose it could all come down to the price, which will be announced on December 12th, but we're already thinking about just holding out for the color 113 version, which is still slated for eventual release.

[Via SlashGear]