
First impressions of Toshiba's second-gen HD-A2 HD DVD player

The guys over at had the opportunity to spend some time with the latest HD DVD player from Toshiba and so far, this player seems to be a large step in the right direction. The first-gen player was more computer then consumer electronic with a huge case, painfully slow load time, monstrous remote, and unfortunately, it crashed like it was 1998 but the first impressions of the HD-A2 are polar opposites. First, the pic shows that this optical disc player actually looks like an optical disc player and not a desktop PC. They also clocked the load time at a speedy 20 seconds a disc rather then around a minute and we have grown to live with from the HD-A1. Also, the remote finally looks like a DVD remote. Thankfully Toshiba managed to improve almost everything from their first go but they did keep the image quality the same. Their full review is coming within a few weeks but their first impressions were that the quality is just as good as their first generation.