
100,000 MS points ... for free [update 1]

In celebration of the release of Assault Heroes on Xbox Live Arcade, Sierra is giving away 100,000 MS points (technically 100,800). The award will be dealt out as an unwieldy stack of 63 separate 1,600 point cards. The best part is that it will take you only seconds to enter. The only info required is a name, email, birthday, and zip code. Hit submit and BAM!, you're entered. The winner will be announced in March. Sure, there's basically no chance that any of you will win, but there are certainly contests that require you to jump through more hoops for much less. As our informant XBLArcade mentions, this is enough points to buy RoboBlitz 84 times, so the prize is sweet. Go enter while the entering's good.

Update: This contest is open to US residents only. We apologize for not mentioning this earlier.

[Via XBLArcade]