
Mac DevCenter suggests best new apps of 2006

It's an idea that, frankly, we wish we had thought of first -- and that's not to say we won't do it anyway, nyah! -- but the O'Reilly Mac DevCenter squad has posted a few candidates for the top applications of 2006. With ten deep-thinking and developer-focused geektributors (including our own Erica Sadun), the nominated apps tend toward the utilitarian: Apple Remote Desktop, Parallels, a smattering of QuickTimecodecs and audiotools, and popular favorite Yojimbo.

For my money, Todd Ogasawara has picked it right with Parallels. There's no other product with the impact, press/blogosphere attention, and overall buzz of the multi-OS virtualization app that could. Who knows... perhaps next year we'll be talking about VMware and SketchFighter Alpha as the best apps around.

What's your favorite application from the past 353 days? Let us know below.