
Worms gameplay video is sheepalicious

Sure, we brought you some screenshots before, but screenshots simply do not convey the true and explodey joy of Worms. Lucky for us all, GameTrailers has posted some squirmy and destructive video of the game in action. Those of you who have been worried by the simplified "pick-up-and-play" description of the game -- now called Worms Defeat by the way -- may be able to relax now. As far as we can tell, Worms Defeat looks like straight up Worms action. There are plenty of weapons, exploding barrels, item crates, and even different worm voices: it looks like everything is there. Of course, there are a few questions we would like answered. Can players still adjust fuse times on items like grenades? Can you still manually detonate sheep (the one in this video runs until the timer expires). Unfortunately, it looks like we may have to wait for the game's Arcade release to find out. Watch the video after the break.

Boom. Follow the read link for an HD version.