
Sir Howard Stringer speaks about Sony's profit... or loss

We know you secretly love the business side of things -- plus, there's absolutely nothing going on in the gaming side of the PS3 right now. Well, not nothing, but nothing that's really "liek OMG gotta blog 'bout 'dis yo". Exclamation point. It would be really weird if actual punctuation didn't exist and we had to type and say everything period That would make reading stuff really awkward comma huh question mark... okay, enough. On to Howard Stringer.

Sony's CEO, Howard Stringer, stated that the company is prepared to meet its operating profit margin for this coming fiscal year. Hopefully he means it, since the 2006 fiscal year was really painful for Sony. The profit margin Sony has set for the coming fiscal year is 5%. A noble effort, but not too far out there. Recalling that they recently reported a drop in profits of 94%, it seems like it should be easy to recoup 5%. Unless laptop batteries keep exploding and the PS3 crashes harder than the Sega Saturn (no offense, Sega, we love you too). There is already a 4% gross profit in Sony's electronics, specifically the Bravia TV's and other home audio stuff. As far as the PS3 profit margin is concerned, Stringer expects the unit to break even by the end of the year. Good luck, Mr. Stringer and may your goals be attained exclamation point! Couldn't resist.