
Wii remotes + devil sticks = WiiSticks

We've featured more than our fair share of Wii hacks on this site, but while using the remote to simulate drums or air guitar is pretty cool, it doesn't hold a candle to the ultimate Wii remote killer app: Virtual devil sticks!

WiiSticks, currently available in beta, makes the obvious intuitive leap of using Wii remotes as stand-ins for the two control sticks used to balance and flip a virtual baton. A video of the program in action shows how the on-screen sticks move almost perfectly in sync with the actual remotes, though there does appear to be some jumpiness when the remote moves too quickly. The program also only seems to support up-and-down movement, making some of the more complex devil stick tricks nearly impossible.

Still, an impressive proof of concept and an interesting new direction for the Wii hacking community. Now all we need is Wii remote support for a juggling simulator and the the Wii-controlled circus can finally begin in earnest.

[Via Digg]