
Konami games cancelled, not so much

Thanks to a misprint inside Famitsu magazine, reports spread over the internet like fildwire (not wildfire) about the multitude of Konami games getting the can across multiple systems. We didn't hop on it instantly because it seemed way too fishy and for good reason. Konami came out and said the report is false and the games listed as cancelled in the magazine are still very much in production. Here are the games falsely reported as cancelled:

  • Gradius Series (PS3) I nearly cried at this one. I love Gradius and refused to believe the lies.

  • Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball (PS3) Oh, thank goodness... huh?

  • "New Action Game" (PS3) Phew!

  • "New Role-Playing Game" (PS3) Again, phew! These games sound new!

  • "New Action-Adventure Game 2" (Wii) We knew the title couldn't end with such a cliffhangar... New Action-Adventure Game really deserved a sequel.

  • "Role-Playing Game" (Wii) Apparently not as new as the others.

That's really it. If you were worried about the mass-cancellation, don't. The unnamed games still have a TBA for their release date, as do the named games. But really, this was all a ruse for us to plug the awesomeness that will be Gradius Series and the fact that it's still coming!