
Viiva Las Vegas - the Engadget crew departs CES

Congratulations, both you and we made it through Engadget's first ever dual CES / Macworld consumer tech bonanza -- and boy, was it a week to remember. Between Vista's coming out, to a format-unifying Blu-ray / HD DVD hybrid player, to a, um, humble cellphone, we were all up in CES's and Macworld's grill. Not only to bring you, our wonderful, loyal readers the very latest scoops though, it was partly because honestly we just couldn't stay away -- not even for a second. It was a long, amazing week for the ravenous tech obsessed (don't you worry, it's not over yet since we'll be continuing to roll out the last of our coverage over the next couple days), but we really hope you feel like we delivered the goods. Either way, we'll see you next year -- and every day in between.

Number of posts to Engadget Classic: 525 and counting...
Number of posts to all Engadgets (including crossposts): 765
Number of lost gadgets: 1
Number of people who got sick: 0 (seriously!)
Average hours slept nightly: 4
Number of casinos visited: 7
Amount of money lost gambling: $5
Average number of laptops per person: 1.42
Number of laptops that died: 1
Average number of cellphones per person: 1.2
Pounds of shwag thrown away: at least 30
Individuals enjoying In N Out for the first time: 3
Maximum bandwidth used: over 6Gbps (and 500k hits per minute) during the Jobsnote
Number of people that wrote in to tell us how much they loved our coverage: a lot! Thanks!

The Cast

Dear Leader
Peter Rojas

Number one
Ryan Block

Unsmooth criminal
Evan Blass

Dr. Feelgood
Thomas Ricker

Handsome Crawlmaster
Paul Miller

Notorious Z.I.G., aka Ziggie Smalls, aka Christopher Zwallace
Chris Ziegler

Mr. Comcastic
Richard Lawler

Tom McCain
Ben Drawbaugh

Barb 2.0
Barb Dybwad

Chris Grant

Conrad Quilty-Harper

Omar McFarlane

Take us with you
Cyrus Farivar

Randall Bennett

and finally...
The Cash Money Millionaires

Steve Friedman and Thomas Hammer (feat. Emmeline Chang and Shannon Sheffield)

Also featuring:

Team Engadget Backup - Darren Murph, Don Melanson, Erik Hanson, Matt Burns..

Team Keep Engadget Up And Running - Alex Rudloff, Brian Alvey, Celly, Craig Wood, Eliot Phillips, Gavin Hall (I'm in ur Jobsnote flooding the internetz!), Judith Meskill, Matt Heerema, Mike Propst, the staff at AOL hosting.

Wait, when? Now? Wait, now? Now? Wait... is it now?

Before. (As in well before everyone flooded out of Vegas -- this was Monday night.)

The Macworld Express (aka 11:59PM flight back to SF from LV).

Resistance is futile.

Internet video -- isn't it wonderful?

"Hello? I can't hear you man, you're going to have to speak up. Of COURSE I'm talking into a hippo cellphone plushie."

Yeah, we kinda felt this way too at the end, too.

Already it comes down...

After. (On our way out for reals. It may not read, but that's a LOT of people.) See you in 2008 everybody!

(See also: 2005 and 2006.)