
A few new PS-Store things to look into

All right, Sony snuck up and pulled the rug right out from under us again. This time, they present to us a downloadable costume pack for Genji and a classic title for the PSP, Rally Cross. It's Rally Cross, right? Memory is failing and, well, not really up for turning the PS3 back on. We'll assume that's right. Which it is. For those tightening their purse strings, we regret to inform one of these do in fact cost a coin or two. Or six bucks. It's not too much to pay for the PSP game, but the costume pack? Luckily, it's free. Enjoy.

Anyway, we're all still waiting with our feet firmly planted on another rug to get swept off our feet by that dashing Sony fellow. These little things are nice, guys, but... how about another PS3 game? March is getting closer, true, but seriously. If PS3 games were water, we'd all be dead from dehydration. We'll just have to suck it up and wait for the big "second release"... no offense, those of you in Europe. You guys will practically have an overload of games to look into and we'll be scarfing them up like curs fighting over some filet mignon. Or two homeless guys fighting over a block of cheese.