
Blade Interactive reveals Hydrophobia

Caution: if you've a crippling fear of drowning, torrents of water, or reading about copious amounts of water, close your eyes (and your browser). If you can handle the new secret game revealed from Blade Interactive, which is no longer a secret, read on. The game was code-named Hydro, now entitled Hydrophobia. It's been in the works for years now, just waiting for next-gen consoles to come along so it can get rolled out. The game boasts to be "like no other, utilising Blade's groundbreaking technology to deliver an experience which is set to redefine the boundaries of gaming."

So, what can we expect here? A survival horror type of game with insanely realistic water physics? From the looks of the concept art, the main character appears to be female along with... some other girl? No one else pictured seems important (like the guy who's definitely on fire). I'd make a joke about Fear Effect, but that wouldn't make too much sense. No point in mocking a game without knowing more about it! C'mon, Blade Interactive, show us a bit more. We'll be waiting!