
Virtual Box: Open Source Virtualization Coming to the Mac

Parallels has been doing an amazing job with their Parallel's Desktop, and industry heavy-weight VMWare is also making waves with their Fusion client. So you might ask whether another competitor is really needed in the virtualization space. But this one, Virtual Box, comes with a twist: it's recently been open sourced, so we can presumably expect the open source community to pitch in and make it better.

Their OS X client is still at a very early stage of development, and no binary is yet available for download. But they do have instructions for anybody who would like to try building it (i.e. compiling from source code), along with a screenshot. At this point, this is more of a project to keep an eye out for, rather than anything approaching the solutions from Parallel's and VMWare. But new Open Source solutions are pretty much always good news in my book.

Needless to say, this is Intel only.

[Via The Mac Robotics Blog]

Thanks Roberto!