
Bizarre and EA team up for XBLA title

Electronic Arts announced today that it is partnering with Bizarre Creations -- creators of Project Gotham Racing and Geometry Wars -- to create a brand new game for Xbox Live Arcade. Entitled Boom Boom Rocket, it will be the first Xbox Live Arcade game from Electronic Arts. Boom BoomRocket is described as a rhythm music game in which players launch rockets to a musical beat. Better timed explosions create bigger fireworks displays. The game is set to include both single player and head-to-head play. Head-to-head, strangely, will be limited to local matches only (both players on the same Xbox), though there will be online leaderboards. The music tracks will be composed by Ian Livingstone, who has considerable experience creating music for film, television, and videogames. We're a little puzzled by the lack of online play -- especially this far into Live Arcade's lifespan -- but we're always open to new games. The title is expected to hit in the spring of this year. Follow the "read" link for a PDF of the official announcement.

[Thanks, Darksaviour69. Via Major Nelson]