
David Jaffe's Calling All Cars is running smoothly, like a new car...

God of War

mastermind David Jaffe has to keep busy between now and the release of God of War 2, so he's been working on a few independent projects. The first project, known only as Heartland, was cancelled. His other project, Calling All Cars, which is a PlayStation Store downloadable title (coming soon) has been rolling along nicely. All the tuning is apparently complete and Jaffe is going to let the folks over at 1up look it over this week.

The game itself is a sort of nonlinear cops and robbers type game (from what I read, at least) with a multitude of cars to choose from. There are three different types of weapons to choose from for your car and if memory serves, each weapon acts as a sort of rock, paper, scissors deal -- one overpowers another, but is vulnerable to the third. It seems like a really fun game and would be a welcome addition to the original titles sitting in the PS-Store. We'll keep an eye out to see how the critics react to the game!

Side note: David Jaffe looks cold. Lucky. I wish it would snow here in Athens.