
Breakfast Topic: Murloc at the movies

I don't know why this is so funny (maybe it's because I've been getting so little sleep lately thanks to the expansion), but I laughed almost harder than I ever have in the game before when people in our little Blood Elf starting area spontaneously started coming up with movie titles that had the world "Murloc" substituted somewhere in them. For five minutes, the chat was nothing but these, and I was rolling the whole time.

A Murloc to Die For
Planet of the Murlocs
I Married a Murloc
An American Murloc in London
West Side Murloc
The Murloc Whisperer
March of the Murlocs
Big Trouble, Little Murloc
The Murloc Effect
Citizen Murloc
Murloc Fiction
Murlocs... In Space!
Bridge Over the River Murloc
Brokeback Murloc

The weird thing is, this is happening all over the place. A search of the forums shows people got tired of this at least a month ago, so it seems that, like Chuck Norris, this is a meme that keeps bubbling up (to the chagrin of some, I'm sure).

Sure, it might not be your kind of humor, but it's the images of each one that get me going-- I think a movie called The Murloc Whisperer would be hilarious. If you have a good one, by all means, put it in the comments below (and if you're tired of it, by all means, skip this post and let those of us with a taste for dumb humor enjoy ourselves).