
Japan not in love with Twilight Princess?

Since the release of the Wii in Japan, sales have been high on several games, such as Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Wii Play, and Wii Sports. But Twilight Princess has been less popular than many would have guessed. While it's not exactly tanked (Link's bringing home the yen, as ever), it has consistently lingered nearer the bottom of the top 20 charts. What's really surprising is that, when it comes to the Zelda franchise, it looks like this trend has been developing for years. Sales of Zelda titles continue to go down.

Many factors could be at work here, and we're hesitant to say that it's the decline of the franchise. When The Legend of Zelda first hit, it was an unparalleled phenomenon, so much better than most other games of any type that it's no surprise that gamers gobbled it up. But in the twenty years that have passed, both games and gamers have diversified, and lower sales numbers could be a result of that rather than a lack of love for the Link.

Regardless of the reason, the sales charts do make for interesting reading. Let the speculation begin!

[Thanks, Andres!]