
Bioshock: no multiplayer, demo, or special edition


Answering questions via the 'Cult of Rapture' (Bioshock's community site), a 2K Games representative has confirmed that Irrational's under-sea epic will not feature a multiplayer component. The developers felt that multiplayer "would have compromised the story." Whether that compromise would have been the result of insufficient resources or simply (a fear of) disparate playing experiences is unclear; it could have been both. Despite plans to offer downloadable content, it seems as if Irrational has no intention of adding a post-release multiplayer update (à la Valve's Half-Life 2: Deathmatch release).

2K Games also revealed that there are currently no plans for a Bioshock 'Special Edition' box set or pre-release demo.

[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]