
How about some awesome Lair screenshots? [update 1]

Geez. GameFront has a really unfriendly linking system. Anyway, while we'd like to link you directly to the screens, their site won't let us. So, we're going to give you our favorite and you can seek through the archives over at their site if you want to see the others. Honestly, most of these simply look like very high-res screenshots of the trailer, but then again, when you throw people in armor against gigantic dragons, it's easy to think "I've seen this before, haven't I?"

The game, as far as we've been able to dig up, is still slated for a March release. Since it will be competing with a plethora of titles coming out in the European launch window, they've got to really sell people on the huge, epic dragon battle portion of the game. Shouldn't be hard... just look at this stuff! If the game plays anything like it looks, it'll at the very least merit a rental. If you don't think so, just rent the movie Dragonheart 2 and see how badly big dragon fights can go down.

[seems IGN lists Lair as a May release -- we'd like to beg to differ, but we don't really beg.]