
Ninja Gaiden Sigma screenshots and stuff, minus the stuff!

Just as a sort of teaser, there's not much going on today other than a game delay and a few posts we'll be doing about screenshots. Screenshots are an interesting topic only because of the debate they spawn over their authenticity -- gameplay or cinematic? Real-time or cut-scene? Game developers only spurn such argument on by adding "gameplay menus" to these screenshots -- sometimes these are tacked onto cinematics to give the illusion of something the final product simply can't deliver. Other times, it's really gameplay. The latter is, of course, much more rare. Rarer? Nah, that looks dumb. Anyway, I think the screenshot shown here is actual gameplay because of the clipping visible from the bow going into our lovely ninja's arm. Ever seen clipping in cinematics? Maybe last-gen cut-scenes.

Back on topic, here are a fresh batch of Ninja Gaiden Sigma screenshots. It should be noted that the clan at Team Ninja rebuilt the graphics engine for this game on the PS3, so it may start to look a bit different from the prior installments on Microsoft's systems. The difficulty? It'll still be hard. How hard? This daring blogger will attest that, while difficult, it's not "controller-throwingly" difficult like a certain Devil May Cry 3. Still need to beat that one on "Normal"...