
Wii Transfer for Mac OS turns your Wii into a media center, but not really

Though the Wii doesn't pack the same multimedia functions as the Xbox 360 or the (soon to beenhanced) PlayStation 3, it does support video playback. It's not high-def and it doesn't stream it off your network -- this functionality is more for watching those low-res digital camera movies you've got lying around. That's not to say you can't use the newly upgraded Wii Transfer for Mac OS X to turn those downloaded videos (just podcasts, right?) into Wii-friendly formats. The creator reports successfully watching a 30-minute video despite reports of a 15 minute limitation.

Not just that! The $9 app has added the ability to stream MP3s and photos to the Wii using the (still in beta) Internet Channel, even displaying iTunes' cover art. Now all the Wii fans can claim they've got a multimedia console too ... we'll just forget about the whole DVD thing for now.

[Via TUAW]